About this Event
Bank Presidents Seminar is the only California Bankers Association program created exclusively for senior bank executives, presidents and CEOs.
Senior bank leaders are invited to attend this exclusive seminar and share in informative sessions discussing the ever-changing landscape of the financial services arena.
Held at the Montage Laguna Beach in Southern California, this program presents the best opportunity to network with senior bank executives.
Event Details
Bank Members: $1,095
Bank Non-Members: $1,195
Wednesday January 07, 2026 - Friday January 09, 2026
Add to iCalHotel
Montage Laguna Beach
30801 South Coast Highway
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(949) 715-6000
Check-In Time: 4:00 PM | Check-Out Time: 12:00 PM
Hotel accommodations can be made by calling the Montage Laguna Beach at (866) 271-6953 or (949) 715-6000. Please mention the California Bankers Association to receive the special group rate. The group rate is starting at $489/night, single or double occupancy, plus taxes and fees. Rooms are limited, please make your reservations as soon as possible. The hotel room block cut-off date is Friday, December 5, 2025. If the room block reaches capacity, the hotel may accept reservations on a space-available basis at the prevailing rates.
Resort Fee: Please note the $50 resort fee per room, per night, plus tax (discounted from $75) is not included in the above room rate.
Discounted Parking Fee: $55 total, per car, per day overnight (Regularly $75)
For more information about the hotel, please check out the hotel website here.
Additional Event Details
CPE Credits
The 2026 Bank Presidents Seminar will be offering CPE credits. Once the agenda is finalized, the amount of credits will be listed accordingly.
The California Bankers Association is registered with NASBA as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.

If you are interested or would like more information, please contact:
Gina Titus
Assistant Vice President, Conferences
(916) 438-4417 or gtitus@calbankers.com
A few reasons your organization should sponsor and/or exhibit:
- Maximize your company’s brand awareness and increase your market position
- Gain direct access to CBA member banks and institutions in an exclusive environment
- Raise your profile above your competitors
- Learn about the issues confronting today’s financial service leaders and gain valuable insight into potential solutions
- Match your exposure needs, regardless of your budget
- Shape or reinforce a positive perception of your company with bank executives
- Support the California Bankers Association, the largest non-profit banking organization serving the West Coast financial services industry
Registration fees less a $50 processing fee per registrant will be refunded if cancellation is received by December 24, 2025. No refund if cancellations are received after December 24, 2025. Substitutions welcome.